summary bio
William A. Eddy, LCSW, Esq.
Bill Eddy is the globally-recognized leader in training professionals in the management of high-conflict personalities in a variety of government, business and nonprofit settings. His extensive background as a family law attorney, mediator and therapist provided him the experience to create state-of-the art seminars that have been conducted worldwide for such audiences as: human resource directors; school administration staffs; employee assistance personnel; judges; mediators; mental health professionals; attorneys; hospital administrators, government agencies officials and staff; and, numerous others. He has presented in over 25 states in the U. S., in several provinces in Canada, and in the countries of France, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand.
- Training Specialist, Mediator and Conflict Coach, Sharp Resolutions, Inc., 2015–Present
- President, Trainer and Mediator, High Conflict Institute, 2008-Present
- Senior Mediator, National Conflict Resolution Center, 2005–Present
- Adjunct Faculty, National Judicial College, 2008–Present
- Adjunct Faculty, Pepperdine University School of Law, 2009–Present
- Attorney and Mediator, Law Offices of William A. Eddy, 1993–2008
- Adjunct Professor, University of San Diego School of Law, 1997–2003
- Psychotherapist (Clinical Social Worker), Counseling & Recovery Institute, San Diego, 1987–1992 and Mesa Vista Psychiatric Hospital, San Diego, 1985–1987
- J.D., University of San Diego School of Law
- M.S.W., San Diego State University
- B.A., Case Western Reserve University
- Please click here for an extensive list of training programs, presentations and publications for managing high-conflict personalities in a wide array of government, business, legal and other settings.
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